
Hey! My name is Samara and I am writing this blog so that I can share my life adventures with you and hopefully you can share yours with me as well. Life is crazy. But it's mine. And I love it. I will share the good, the bad, the magical, and the mundane. And I couldn't be true to myself if I didn't bring fashion into the mix.
That should probably sum this up. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Fake Homeland

In this sea of black and grey,
I stand out like golden frizz,
Only if you catch me smile,
Do I shine my champagne-fizz.

These charcoal, smokey, granit waves,
Are rocking me to slumber now.
This little speck of flaxen frizz,
Finds comfort in the dingey bow.

Your fragile heart and one-track-mind,
Would get crumbled, broken, see?
By my new friend, this Thunderic Ocean
Who I now love, at ashen sea.

A stoic gang of hard-edged statues,
Make up my new lovely crew.
I grip on close to obstinate rock,
That has an acient, worn tattoo.

Survival, the one word on your mind,
In capital letters and grey.
I see your fair-candy center,
You still are who you are today.

In this sea of black and grey,
I stand out like golden frizz,
Only if you catch me smile,
Do I shine my champagne-fizz.

Monday, November 14, 2011


This is a list of things that I am grateful for in the United States. A lot of the items on this list I was either unaware of, or I just took for granted that I have them in my life. So here goes...

Being able to call my family whenever I want
Soft socks
Everybody speaking the same language
TJ Maxx
Driving Laws
Soft tissues (to blow your nose)
Soft toilet paper (I'm not explaining that one)
My car
Tap water that you can drink
Dishwasher (I'm sick of using a moldy sponge)
Christmas music on the radio
Bus schedule
People showing that they are happy (by smiling)
A straightener! (for my hair)
All of my painting supplies
Non-mystery meats
Being warm when I am inside
Being close to my family (extended!)
Taco Bell
Having a bath tub
Cripples being taken care of by the government (most beggers are cripples)
Good indoor heating
Regular potatoe chips (can't find them ANYWHERE)
Dryer (for your clothes)
Medicines in english
Around Halloween I really missed all of the haunted houses, etc.
No inside shoes
A couch to lounge on in front of a tv.
Living in a safe town

There are so many more... I will need to write another list. But this is a good start. I miss and love you all! Wishing you a Happy Holiday!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Ukraine is VERY different from America. I was almost overwhelmed by all of the differences when I fist got here. But now I have learned to love them (well most of them.)
Let me name a few of the big ones.
Here in Ukraine they are very weird about feet. You have outside shoes and inside shoes. You change into your inside shoes at home and at school and no, this does not mean that you can just wear socks around. Apparently this is a sin. Luda (our host mom) made us stop right in the middle of what we were doing (we were helping make dinner) to go put on our inside shoes. We now know to ALWAYS wear inside shoes when you are inside.
When I asked somebody why they do this, they couldn't really answer at first. Then this person said that they do this because of the germs that are on the floor. Because germs are there, even right after you wash it. I said that with this logic we should wear inside gloves also. They agreed that it is a little strange.

Another difference is that they aren't a smiley people. I have learned that this does NOT mean that they are not happy!! They can be having a fabulous day, just when they are out on the bus they always have the same facial expression. I think that I have gotten better at telling when a Ukrainian really is frustrated and when they just are normal. I think. haha

The driving here is INSANE! I really am so glad that I don't have a car. There are no speed-limits, so you can drive as fast as you want to. The roads themselves are terrible with ten thousand potholes and garbage everywhere. It would be odd to see a sidewalk without a car parked on it. When crossing the street you take your life into your own hands. Just because there is a 'walk' sign does not mean that cars will always stop for you.

There are so many other things but these are some big ones. I will post more soon!!